Xaroth, from PseudoQuest!

posted 16 years, 5 months ago by Xaroth
Greetings, all! I'm Xaroth, the lead (and sole!) developer for the humorous casual RPG PseudoQuest I've been developing the game in my spare time for, sheesh, two years now... The open Beta started back in May, 2007, and we're up to just over 4,500 registered users as of this writing. Insane! The game's written entirely in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and uses some of that fancy-shmancy AJAX stuff we all hear so much about. Despite this, the game features real-time interaction with other players, and even sports real-time turn-based PvP (well, as much as anything turn-based can be real-time) for when you're not out completing quests or killing monsters. In the forums section of PQ, I've maintained a sort of development blog that talks about the process and what's changed over time. Feel free to drop by and ask any questions you like! --Xaroth
posted 16 years, 5 months ago by docjay

Sounds pretty cool... I'll have a look at it if I get the chance to have some free time

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