Depends on the game...

posted 16 years, 4 months ago by Sembiance
I firmly believe it comes down to what type of game it is.

For example, my web game [] is 100% reliant on Graphics and so having nice looking cards is important.

I don't believe most users have a problem waiting 15 seconds or so when you first go to the site to wait for the images to load if the experience is really worth it.

Had I done a different type of game, one where you weren't just thrown right into the game, I'd probably use 'background' image loading, so while your looking at the main page, choosing a game or reading things, in the background the images are preloading.

As far as bandwidth, well, there is not much getting around that. You can get dedicated servers though for $80/month that has 3000GB of monthly bandwidth.
That should be plenty :)
Also if you configure things correctly, your images should be cached once they are loaded once by a browser.

I agree that layout and game play and overall feel are the MOST important aspects, but having nice looking graphics is a HUGE plus in my opinion to bringing in new players. If you have ugly graphics a lot of players will take one or two looks and leave, never to return. If all it takes is having some nicer graphics to keep that player on the site, I think it's more than worth it.

(PS - I am not a graphic nut. I still love and play Nethack to this day :) )
posted 16 years, 3 months ago by bardicknowledge
Just started playing nethack. Great game lol. I never said make ugly graphics or not to make graphics. Just not to make them the focus of the game.

And we got into this argument on my blog. Some games require more graphics than others, and then you use graphics. But when you start using so many graphics that it becomes difficult to display info or navigate then you have crossed a line of good design.

So, everyone, please make pretty graphics, but just don't hinder gameplay with them.
PBBG blog: []

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